The goal of this tutorial is to demonstrate how to run ligand-receptor analysis. Our implementation of this analysis tests for ligands that are differentially expressed across donors and identifies co-expression gene modules in other cell types associated with the ligands.

First, we’ll load the package and the data as in the main Walkthrough tutorial.


# counts matrix
pbmc_counts <- readRDS('/home/jmitchel/data/van_der_wijst/pbmc_counts_v2.rds')

# meta data matrix
pbmc_meta <- readRDS('/home/jmitchel/data/van_der_wijst/pbmc_meta_v2.rds')

# ensembl to gene name conversions
feature.names <- readRDS('/home/jmitchel/data/van_der_wijst/genes.rds')

Next, we will form the tensor and run the decomposition the same way as in the main Walkthrough tutorial.

# set up project parameters
param_list <- initialize_params(ctypes_use = c("CD4+ T", "CD8+ T", "cMonocyte", "CD56(dim) NK", "B"),
                                ncores = 30, rand_seed = 10)

# create project container
pbmc_container <- make_new_container(count_data=pbmc_counts, 
                                     gn_convert = feature.names, 
                                     label_donor_sex = TRUE)

# form the tensor from the data
pbmc_container <- form_tensor(pbmc_container, donor_min_cells=5,
                              norm_method='trim', scale_factor=10000,
                              vargenes_method='norm_var_pvals', vargenes_thresh=.1,
                              scale_var = TRUE, var_scale_power = 2)
#> parsing data matrix by cell/tissue type...
#> cleaning data...
#> Keeping 41 donors. All donors have at least 5 cells in each cell type included.
#> collapsing count matrices from cells to donors (aka pseudobulk operation)...
#> normalizing data...
#> calculating gene overdispersion factors...
#> selecting highly variable genes from each cell type...
#> scaling variance...
#> forming tensor...
#> Complete!

# run the tensor decomposition
pbmc_container <- run_tucker_ica(pbmc_container, ranks=c(5,10),
                                 tucker_type = 'regular', rotation_type = 'hybrid')

Next, we will load up a resource of ligand-receptor cogante pairs from NicheNet. The data must be structured with ligands in 1 column and receptors in another with column names as “ligand” and “receptor”, respectively.

lr_network = readRDS(url(""))
lr_network = lr_network %>% mutate(bonafide = ! database %in% c("ppi_prediction","ppi_prediction_go"))
lr_network = lr_network %>% dplyr::rename(ligand = from, receptor = to) %>% distinct(ligand, receptor, bonafide)

# structuring the data properly
lr_pairs <- as.matrix(lr_network)
lr_pairs <- lr_pairs[lr_pairs[,'bonafide']=='TRUE',]
lr_pairs <- lr_pairs[,c(1,2)]
#>      ligand  receptor
#> [1,] "CXCL1" "CXCR2" 
#> [2,] "CXCL2" "CXCR2" 
#> [3,] "CXCL3" "CXCR2" 
#> [4,] "CXCL5" "CXCR2" 
#> [5,] "PPBP"  "CXCR2" 
#> [6,] "CXCL6" "CXCR2"

Next, we will prepare the data for LR analysis by computing WGCNA gene modules from the pseudobulk expression data in each cell type. First, we’ll need to select soft thresholds for the modules. This parameter is usually chosen to be the power value where the SFT.R.sq starts to level off above 0.9.

pbmc_container <- prep_LR_interact(pbmc_container, lr_pairs, norm_method='trim', scale_factor=10000,
#> pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 741.
#>  pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
#>    ..working on genes 1 through 741 of 741
#>    Power SFT.R.sq slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
#> 1      1   0.3730  9.72          0.944  379.00   380.000  418.0
#> 2      2   0.0353  1.08          0.733  203.00   201.000  250.0
#> 3      3   0.4680 -2.17          0.619  114.00   109.000  163.0
#> 4      4   0.6760 -2.13          0.673   66.40    60.600  114.0
#> 5      5   0.8840 -2.15          0.852   40.40    35.000   83.2
#> 6      6   0.9580 -2.06          0.953   25.60    20.600   65.1
#> 7      7   0.9230 -1.96          0.911   16.90    12.600   53.6
#> 8      8   0.9390 -1.83          0.934   11.60     7.900   45.6
#> 9      9   0.8950 -1.72          0.890    8.28     4.990   39.9
#> 10    10   0.9320 -1.62          0.931    6.12     3.290   35.5
#> 11    12   0.9240 -1.45          0.934    3.67     1.450   29.5
#> 12    14   0.9300 -1.34          0.944    2.44     0.691   25.5
#> 13    16   0.9270 -1.27          0.936    1.75     0.347   22.4
#> 14    18   0.9340 -1.21          0.945    1.33     0.180   19.9
#> 15    20   0.9300 -1.18          0.938    1.05     0.099   17.9
#> pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 741.
#>  pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
#>    ..working on genes 1 through 741 of 741
#>    Power SFT.R.sq  slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
#> 1      1  0.00655  0.781          0.695 380.000   381.000 417.00
#> 2      2  0.11900  3.580          0.833 204.000   203.000 246.00
#> 3      3  0.18700  4.430          0.654 113.000   112.000 152.00
#> 4      4  0.24400  4.760          0.426  65.200    63.700  97.70
#> 5      5  0.27900  4.450          0.202  38.900    37.400  65.10
#> 6      6  0.26500  3.310          0.055  23.900    22.400  46.30
#> 7      7  0.25400  1.010          0.696  15.200    13.800  34.30
#> 8      8  0.06960  0.503          0.955   9.980     8.690  26.10
#> 9      9  0.03070  0.325          0.873   6.740     5.610  20.40
#> 10    10  0.40700 -0.972          0.765   4.680     3.660  16.30
#> 11    12  0.90900 -1.570          0.962   2.440     1.670  11.50
#> 12    14  0.95600 -1.680          0.974   1.400     0.780   9.16
#> 13    16  0.95900 -1.700          0.977   0.865     0.382   7.61
#> 14    18  0.95300 -1.670          0.973   0.572     0.200   6.53
#> 15    20  0.92900 -1.660          0.947   0.398     0.108   5.72
#> pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 741.
#>  pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
#>    ..working on genes 1 through 741 of 741
#>    Power SFT.R.sq  slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
#> 1      1   0.0381  2.030         0.8200  382.00   382.000  433.0
#> 2      2   0.1600  4.150         0.6700  210.00   204.000  278.0
#> 3      3   0.2520  4.220         0.2660  121.00   111.000  195.0
#> 4      4   0.2240  3.020         0.0118   73.60    62.300  145.0
#> 5      5   0.1850  0.647         0.4060   46.60    36.100  112.0
#> 6      6   0.0109  0.143         0.6340   30.80    21.700   89.8
#> 7      7   0.2520 -0.618         0.4090   21.20    13.200   73.7
#> 8      8   0.8650 -1.250         0.8440   15.10     8.470   61.5
#> 9      9   0.9020 -1.310         0.8850   11.10     5.380   52.1
#> 10    10   0.9100 -1.280         0.8870    8.36     3.500   44.6
#> 11    12   0.9160 -1.230         0.8960    5.10     1.620   33.5
#> 12    14   0.8980 -1.220         0.8790    3.34     0.789   26.1
#> 13    16   0.9150 -1.170         0.9030    2.30     0.400   20.7
#> 14    18   0.8970 -1.170         0.8810    1.65     0.214   16.7
#> 15    20   0.8690 -1.180         0.8520    1.22     0.115   13.6
#> pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 741.
#>  pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
#>    ..working on genes 1 through 741 of 741
#>    Power SFT.R.sq  slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
#> 1      1  0.08260  2.950          0.889  390.00   392.000  449.0
#> 2      2  0.20700  4.360          0.576  218.00   215.000  295.0
#> 3      3  0.23300  4.080          0.211  127.00   120.000  206.0
#> 4      4  0.19900  2.870         -0.023   77.00    68.600  152.0
#> 5      5  0.06930  0.355          0.662   48.40    40.300  117.0
#> 6      6  0.00559 -0.110          0.826   31.60    24.300   92.3
#> 7      7  0.37100 -0.995          0.742   21.30    14.800   75.1
#> 8      8  0.76600 -1.510          0.869   14.90     9.260   62.4
#> 9      9  0.84500 -1.580          0.902   10.70     5.910   52.8
#> 10    10  0.87000 -1.550          0.903    7.89     3.850   45.3
#> 11    12  0.85900 -1.530          0.869    4.63     1.720   34.4
#> 12    14  0.83000 -1.500          0.860    2.94     0.822   27.0
#> 13    16  0.90100 -1.370          0.912    1.99     0.417   21.8
#> 14    18  0.87900 -1.350          0.879    1.42     0.212   17.9
#> 15    20  0.82600 -1.330          0.804    1.05     0.112   14.9
#> pickSoftThreshold: will use block size 741.
#>  pickSoftThreshold: calculating connectivity for given powers...
#>    ..working on genes 1 through 741 of 741
#>    Power SFT.R.sq   slope truncated.R.sq mean.k. median.k. max.k.
#> 1      1 0.000011 -0.0334         0.7240 367.000  377.0000 415.00
#> 2      2 0.067800  2.7800         0.8260 197.000  202.0000 246.00
#> 3      3 0.119000  3.6100         0.6350 109.000  110.0000 151.00
#> 4      4 0.154000  3.8100         0.3530  61.400   61.4000  95.90
#> 5      5 0.155000  3.3200         0.0415  35.500   35.0000  62.90
#> 6      6 0.107000  2.0800        -0.1490  21.000   20.3000  42.50
#> 7      7 0.074700  1.7400        -0.1820  12.700   12.1000  29.60
#> 8      8 0.110000 -0.6600         0.7620   7.870    7.4100  21.20
#> 9      9 0.231000 -0.9890         0.9540   4.980    4.5800  15.60
#> 10    10 0.141000 -0.5230         0.9550   3.220    2.8500  11.70
#> 11    12 0.734000 -2.0100         0.9150   1.440    1.1900   7.01
#> 12    14 0.903000 -2.2300         0.9360   0.701    0.5230   4.48
#> 13    16 0.889000 -2.1500         0.8700   0.372    0.2380   3.01
#> 14    18 0.286000 -3.0500         0.0980   0.215    0.1140   2.38
#> 15    20 0.326000 -2.9800         0.2210   0.135    0.0561   2.09

Now, compute the WGCNA modules with the appropriate soft thresholds.

sft_thresh <- c(10,12,10,16,14)

pbmc_container <- get_gene_modules(pbmc_container,sft_thresh)

After computing the modules, we can test for associations between them and ligands across pairs of cell type. Note, only pairs of different kinds of cell types are tested, and we require the cognate receptor to be expressed to a minimal extent in the target cell type (determined by percentile_exp_rec).

lr_hmap <- compute_LR_interact(pbmc_container, lr_pairs, sig_thresh=.001,
                               percentile_exp_rec=0.85, add_ld_fact_sig=TRUE)


The main heatmap (with red color) shows the p-values of the linear model associations between the ligands (rows) and co-expression modules (columns). It only shows results where the receptor is expressed in the target cell type. The heatmap on the right (with purple color) shows the p-values of the linear model associations between the ligands and the various scITD factors.

Next, we can plot an example hit: TNF ligand from cMonocytes to TNFRSF1B receptor in CD8+ T cells

lig_mod_fact <- plot_mod_and_lig(pbmc_container,factor_select=1,mod_ct='CD8+ T',mod=3,lig_ct='cMonocyte',lig='TNF')


We can also look at gene sets that are enriched in the target modules associated with a given ligand. For the example interaction above, we will look at modules 3 and 5 in the CD8+ T cells.

mod_enr <- plot_multi_module_enr(pbmc_container, ctypes=c('CD8+ T','CD8+ T'), modules=c(3,5), sig_thresh=.05, 

These enriched gene sets may represent the downstream response to stimulation by the ligand, though further analysis is needed to confirm this. We recommend checking the gene sets for expected targets impacted by the ligand, which is encoded in NicheNet’s regulatory potential scores.